“Welcome to a non-judgmental space where I attempt to provide you with a little encouragement when facing life’s hurdles.

Life can hit us with various trials and in those moments is where we experience bouts of loneliness, discouragement, and indecisiveness. Hopefully, by way of my personal experiences, you’ll find some clarity and gain perspective that can be applied to your own.

No one is perfect, but I believe that sometimes we experience things to be an aid to others. So, as I share my stories, may you be inspired.” – Davina Sims

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Placeholder image used to represent products being showcased under the social media icons. 2 out of 4.
Placeholder image used to represent products being showcased under the social media icons. 3 out of 4.
Placeholder image used to represent products being showcased under the social media icons. 4 out of 4.

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How I’m Starting Over in My Forties

Blog Post

  • Transparent Three Day Water Fast

    Transparent Three Day Water Fast

    There are some habits that I need to break in order to go to the next level. This will be incredibly hard for me, but worth it. Challenging myself before the new year. Davina S.

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  • Letting Go

    Letting Go

    I’m learning to extend the grace that I lend to others, to myself. Recently I found myself missing the conversation of someone who I’d gotten to know but chose to disconnect from. Initially, I punished him for being the reason behind our abrupt departure from our nightly ritual of long talks. After all, I thought

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  • How I’m Starting Over in My Forties

    How I’m Starting Over in My Forties

    I’m proud to say that my journey of rediscovering myself has been an insightful one. Not knowing what’s around the corner and just trusting God, has elevated my willingness to surrender and create a posture of humility. When we reach a certain place in life that forces us to look at the distance of where

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